WhatsApp experienced an outage yesterday afternoon, preventing users from sending messages on the Meta-owned service. Users noticed a timer appearing on their messages, indicating message failures. This issue follows a March outage affecting other Meta services like Facebook and Instagram.
Around 2 pm EST, WhatsApp users began reporting connectivity issues, with many using Down Detector to report problems. Despite working WiFi, users couldn’t connect to WhatsApp, suggesting an issue with the service itself. Concurrently, Facebook and Instagram users also experienced difficulties in viewing and creating posts.
Meta, WhatsApp’s owner, confirmed the issue through a status page for its business APIs. The outage affected APIs connecting to Facebook Messenger and Instagram as well, indicating it wasn’t a hack. WhatsApp assured users on X (formerly Twitter) that a fix was in progress. The problem was resolved by just after 4 pm EST.
As one of the world’s most popular messaging services with over 2 billion active users, WhatsApp’s outage was significant. While Facebook and Instagram outages were notable, the impact of the WhatsApp downtime was more pronounced. Such outages are rare, with the last one occurring in 2022.
While alternatives like Signal exist, many users rely on WhatsApp due to its widespread use. The frustration was evident on Twitter/X, highlighting the inconvenience caused by the outage. Despite the negative optics, Meta managed to restore services within a few hours, mitigating the impact of the outage.
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