Saturday , 27 April 2024



Titan Sub Discovery

Titan Sub Rescue Sound Revealed in New Documentary Clip

Channel 5’s new documentary “The Titan Sub Disaster: Minute by Minute” unveils a chilling audio clip of the “knocking” sound heard during the...

Bitcoin tax payment

IRS Tax Approach to Bitcoin ETFs Decoded

The IRS’s approach to taxing Bitcoin ETFs is crucial for investors as they navigate the recent approval of bitcoin spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs)....

Federal ReservePowell

Powell Anticipates Rate Hikes, Cautions Crypto Amid Uncertainty

Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell’s recent comments on 60 Minutes, signaling a cautious approach to interest rate reductions until at least the May...

Climate Scientist Wins

“Climate Scientist Wins $1M Defamation Suit

In a landmark decision, renowned climate scientist Michael Mann emerged victorious in a defamation case against two conservative writers who had leveled baseless...

8th National Antarctic Science Expedition in Antarctica

Hottest January on Record Sparks Urgent Climate Concerns

Climate scientists from the European Union issued a sobering declaration on Thursday, revealing that the first month of 2024 has set a new...


Grammys Under Threat: Navigating California’s Perfect Storm

In a surprising twist of fate, the Grammys, one of the most prestigious music awards ceremonies globally, is facing potential disruption as California...