Saturday , 27 April 2024




Cisco Hypershield Redefines Cybersecurity for AI Protection

Cisco is revolutionizing cybersecurity with Cisco Hypershield, an innovation designed to meet the challenges posed by the exponential growth of AI and the...

LastPass Warns of Scam

LastPass Warns of Scam: Don’t Press 1 or 2

LastPass, a widely used password manager, has issued a critical warning to its users regarding a new scam that could potentially compromise their...

A padlock icon next to the Microsoft logo signifies "security."

Microsoft Surprises with 90 New Windows Vulnerabilities

Microsoft has caught many off guard with its latest Patch Tuesday rollout, addressing a staggering 149 vulnerabilities across various product lines, with 90...

Legal Concepts on Virtual Screen: Labor Law and Legal Advice

SEC’s New Cyber Disclosure Rules: A Detailed Look

The cybersecurity compliance landscape for public companies and foreign private issuers in the United States underwent significant changes in 2023 with the SEC’s...


Microsoft: Russia, China, Others Used OpenAI Tools for Hacking

Microsoft has alleged that state-sponsored hacking groups from Russia, China, and other U.S. adversaries have been exploiting OpenAI’s tools to enhance their cyberattack...

Generative AI new challenges

GenAI’s Emergence: Balancing Potential and Risk

In a rapid evolution of technological landscape, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has swiftly emerged as the new favorite in both business and consumer...