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Home Business Policy Trump’s Agenda47: Key Policies for a Potential Second Term

Trump’s Agenda47: Key Policies for a Potential Second Term

Republican National Convention 2024

Former President Donald Trump clinched the GOP nomination on Monday, and his policy agenda, termed “Agenda47,” outlines a comprehensive vision for his potential second term. This agenda, shaped during his campaign and reflecting his priorities from the Republican primaries, proposes substantial changes across various policy areas, including education, climate change, criminal justice, immigration, and more.

In the realm of education, Trump’s “Agenda47” calls for sweeping reforms in K-12 schools. He proposes that parents should have the authority to elect school principals, which he believes will enhance parental involvement in educational decisions. Additionally, Trump plans to cut federal funding for schools that teach critical race theory, a move aimed at limiting the influence of this educational approach. His agenda includes eliminating teacher tenure, creating a new credentialing body to certify teachers who uphold “patriotic values,” and promoting prayer in schools. To address school safety and discipline, Trump supports making it easier to expel disruptive students, endorses policies that allow teachers to carry concealed firearms, and advocates for expanding “school choice” to give parents more control over their children’s education.

Trump’s proposals for higher education involve significant changes to college and university accreditation processes. He aims to replace existing accreditors with new ones that align with conservative values, imposing substantial fines on institutions deemed discriminatory. These fines would be redirected to fund a free online “American Academy,” designed to offer a comprehensive education covering a broad spectrum of subjects. This initiative is part of Trump’s broader effort to reshape higher education to reflect his party’s values and reduce what he perceives as ideological bias in academia.

In the field of climate change and environmental policy, Trump’s “Agenda47” includes a clear intention to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord once again. His plan seeks to reverse President Biden’s policies on emissions reductions and electric vehicle mandates, aiming instead to boost domestic oil and gas production. By abandoning Biden’s targets for reducing vehicle emissions and scaling back renewable energy investments, Trump’s agenda prioritizes traditional energy sources and deregulation as central components of his environmental strategy.

Trump’s approach to criminal justice under “Agenda47” emphasizes bolstering law enforcement and increasing punitive measures. He proposes to appoint 100 U.S. attorneys who share his policy perspectives and investigate local district attorneys perceived as left-leaning. His plan includes creating a Department of Justice task force dedicated to defending the right to self-defense and combating perceived anti-conservative biases in law schools and legal practices. On crime, Trump advocates for significant investments in hiring and retaining police officers, implementing “stop and frisk” policies, and deploying federal troops, including the National Guard, to restore order in cities where local authorities are deemed ineffective. He also supports imposing the death penalty for individuals involved in drug trafficking and human trafficking.

In immigration policy, Trump’s agenda includes measures such as denying benefits to undocumented immigrants, ending birthright citizenship for their children, and reinstating a “travel ban” from certain countries. He also proposes halting refugee admissions, implementing extreme vetting for foreign nationals, and blocking federal grants to sanctuary cities. Trump’s plan includes ending the practice of “catch-and-release,” which allows migrants to remain in the U.S. while awaiting immigration hearings, and closing the southern border to asylum seekers. Additionally, he seeks to suspend various visa programs, including the visa lottery and family-based visas.

Trump’s economic proposals focus on tax cuts and regulatory reductions to stimulate economic growth. He plans to introduce baseline tariffs on foreign goods to support American manufacturing and increase tariffs on countries engaged in “unfair trade practices.” In healthcare, Trump proposes that federal agencies purchase only U.S.-manufactured medicines and medical devices and limit foreign agencies’ access to essential drugs. He also plans to issue an executive order mandating that the government pay only the “best price” offered to foreign nations for pharmaceuticals.

On foreign policy, Trump’s agenda includes demanding that European allies compensate the U.S. for its military aid to Ukraine, a move intended to address concerns about the cost of supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. He also advocates for stricter controls on Chinese-owned infrastructure in the U.S. and aims to build a missile defense shield to enhance national security.

Regarding Social Security and homelessness, Trump’s agenda calls for maintaining current benefits without cuts and tackling homelessness by banning “public camping.” He proposes offering homeless individuals a choice between treatment and arrest and plans to establish large “tent cities” with on-site medical and social services. He also supports expanding mental health institutions to address homelessness more effectively.

Trump’s stance on transgender rights is uncompromising. He proposes terminating Medicare and Medicaid funding for gender-affirming care for youth and stripping federal funding from schools that discuss gender identity. His agenda also includes pushing Congress to pass legislation defining gender strictly as male or female, assigned at birth. In addressing Big Tech, Trump plans to implement an executive order prohibiting federal agencies from collaborating with entities that censor Americans and to restrict federal funding for combating misinformation. He also aims to amend Section 230 to increase legal liability for social media platforms, addressing concerns about perceived bias against conservatives.

Trump’s “Agenda47” is distinct from Project 2025, a policy blueprint created by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative groups. While Trump has distanced himself from Project 2025, both agendas share common themes, such as withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement and advocating for “school choice.” It remains to be seen how much of Project 2025 Trump’s administration might adopt if he wins the presidency.

Many elements of Agenda47 and Project 2025 would require Congressional approval to be implemented. Trump’s agenda also proposes reinstating his 2020 executive order to ease the replacement of career civil servants with political appointees, overhauling federal agencies, and establishing a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to combat what he terms the “Deep State.”

Since the last update of Agenda47 in December 2023, Trump has introduced additional policy proposals, including leaving abortion decisions to states, advocating for mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, and eliminating the federal income tax on service worker tips. The evolution of Trump’s policies as Election Day approaches remains uncertain, and his campaign has not commented on potential changes to his agenda. The Republican National Committee’s policy platform, reflecting many of Trump’s priorities, may also influence a potential Trump administration.

Among the more surprising elements of Trump’s agenda is the proposal for creating “freedom cities” on federal land. These new cities, which would be roughly the size of Washington, D.C., are to be selected through a nationwide contest. The plan includes investing in innovative technologies such as vertical takeoff-and-landing vehicles and providing incentives to boost the birth rate.

Trump officially secured the Republican nomination on Monday as the GOP convention commenced, announcing Sen. JD Vance as his running mate. Despite facing competition, Trump emerged as the frontrunner and clinched the nomination in March. As the convention approaches, scrutiny of Trump’s policy proposals continues, with both Agenda47 and Project 2025 under close examination.

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