Michael Spencer, a renowned figure in the world of finance, has left an indelible mark on the industry through his innovative approach, visionary...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJanuary 4, 2025Silvio Berlusconi, a towering figure in Italian politics and business, left an indelible mark on Italy’s cultural and economic landscape. Renowned as a...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJanuary 3, 2025Dmitri Bukhman, a name that is increasingly becoming synonymous with innovative technology and entrepreneurship, has emerged as a dynamic force in the business...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJanuary 1, 2025Wang Liping, a prominent entrepreneur and business magnate, is the founder and chairman of Yifeng Pharmacy Chain, one of China’s largest and most...
By 193cc World's BillionairesDecember 24, 2024Roman Abramovich, a name synonymous with wealth, power, and influence, has carved an extraordinary path in the worlds of business, sports, and philanthropy....
By 193cc World's BillionairesDecember 23, 2024Low Tuck Kwong, a name synonymous with the coal industry, is a visionary entrepreneur whose journey spans decades of hard work, calculated risks,...
By 193cc World's BillionairesDecember 12, 2024Masayuki Ishihara is a name that resonates with significance in the pachinko industry of Japan. Despite his relatively low public profile, Ishihara’s influence...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJuly 16, 2024Andrei Kosogov is a prominent figure in the global business landscape, known for his diverse ventures and leadership roles across various industries. His...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJuly 4, 2024Manuel Lao Hernández, a name synonymous with success and resilience, has carved out a remarkable career that reflects his journey from humble beginnings...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJuly 4, 2024Sun Weijie, an influential figure in China’s technology sector, is best known as the founder and CEO of Kingsoft, a leading software and...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJune 25, 2024