When Disney announced a sequel to Moana, a beloved animated film that struck a chord with audiences in 2016, there was a sense...
By 193cc Agency CouncilNovember 29, 2024Popular star N.T. Rama Rao Jr., widely known for his role in the blockbuster RRR, has made a powerful return to theaters with...
By 193cc Agency CouncilSeptember 30, 2024Pixar’s “Inside Out 2” has solidified its place in cinematic history by achieving an unprecedented milestone: it is now the first animated film...
By 193cc Agency CouncilAugust 26, 2024Marvel Studios is celebrating a major win this weekend with the release of Deadpool & Wolverine, directed by Shawn Levy and co-written by...
By 193cc Agency CouncilJuly 26, 2024Hollywood star Glen Powell has scored another major box office hit with “Twisters,” a sequel to the nearly 30-year-old classic “Twister.” The film...
By 193cc Agency CouncilJuly 22, 2024