Isaac “Ike” Perlmutter’s life is an extraordinary tale of resilience, vision, and determination. From his modest beginnings as an immigrant with just $250...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJanuary 8, 2025In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of video gaming, Lars Wingefors stands as a towering figure, having co-founded and steered Embracer Group to...
By 193cc World's BillionairesMarch 5, 2024Nintendo has taken legal action against the developers of the Yuzu Nintendo Switch emulator, alleging that they are actively facilitating widespread piracy. The...
By 193cc Agency CouncilFebruary 28, 2024R. Lance Hill, the screenwriter of the original “Road House” movie, has filed a lawsuit against Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and its parent company, Amazon....
By 193cc Agency CouncilFebruary 28, 2024