Warren Buffett, famously known as the “Oracle of Omaha,” is a name synonymous with financial wisdom and long-term investment success. As the chairman...
By 193cc World's BillionairesNovember 27, 2024Chatchai Kaewbootta is a prominent figure in Thailand’s financial sector, known for his pivotal role in transforming Muangthai Capital into a leading non-bank...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJuly 5, 2024Nikhil Kamath, a name synonymous with innovation and disruption in the Indian financial landscape, has carved a niche for himself as a successful...
By 193cc World's BillionairesJuly 5, 2024Marcelo Kalim is a name that resonates with innovation, leadership, and transformative change in Brazil’s banking and financial sector. As one of the...
By 193cc World's BillionairesFebruary 24, 2024