Pavel Durov, a name that has become synonymous with innovation, privacy, and the tech world, is a Russian entrepreneur known for his groundbreaking...
By 193cc World's BillionairesDecember 19, 2024The Supreme Court has decided not to intervene in a contentious case involving GOP-led states attempting to block the Biden administration’s collaboration with...
By 193cc Agency CouncilJune 27, 2024The Supreme Court has ruled against a man seeking to trademark the phrase “Trump Too Small,” stating that a phrase naming a public...
By 193cc Agency CouncilJune 14, 2024The House of Representatives recently approved the Antisemitism Awareness Act, a bipartisan bill designed to address antisemitism on college campuses. This legislation, still...
By 193cc Agency CouncilMay 2, 2024Legislation that could lead to the ban of TikTok in the United States is on the verge of becoming law, following the House...
By 193cc Agency CouncilApril 22, 2024